I'm sitting here at my mother's place, listening to Of Mice and Men (which btw is really great music, nom nom) and nomming Pepsi Max. surprisingly, it's not Cola Zero, for the first time in a long time. I'm addicted to that shit. it's so ridiculous, and so expensive in the long run! D:
so yesterday, I met up with Jamie, since he was going to the doctor. and you know what? YES. HE GOT A FUCKING YES!!!! I am so happy, it's amazing and incredible and I'm so happy for him. it's.. I can't even express it in words, but more like sounds instead. WAAAAAOOOOHHHHH! but I didn't cry, which really surprised me, haha. but it's fucking rad, awesome, amazing, etc., and I'm so happy for him. I'm also glad he took me with him, it meant so much to me. because it was him, and because I still care so much about him, and also because I still don't know what I am, and transsexuality is still an open suggestion, though I really don't know if I am yet. it's weird. I'd prefer to be male, and I really wish I was, but I think I can live with being in a girl's body. or.. I don't know. some days it's unbearable. so it meant a lot to me when I saw his face and how happy he got, knowing that things are going in the right direction, and that you can get through it. it's amazing, really.
then we also just hung out at the central station, which was really nice for me, I've missed hanging out with him. and there were so much free crap, it was unbelievable! you could even get free butter, wtf...
then I hung out with Laura when I came home.
today, I went to Strøget with Laura since I needed some things. new boxers, caps and baseball tees. I have a thing for baseball shirts. I think the design is so AWESOME, and I'm really glad about the two I've bought today. one of them is blue, and the other one is grey and black. then I bought two caps, since I've been wanting caps for.. half a year or something like that. so I bought one in babyblue, and one in black, and then I'm gonna write on them. then I bought 5 pairs of boxers. btw, the shirts I bought only costs 80 DKK at Wasteland, check it out before the sale is gone! and I also found a robot-ring, but I couldn't fit it. :( my fingers were too small.. *sadface*
then Laura and I went to this little cafe named "Big Apple", and got the most delicious cupcakes ever. I got one with chocolate flavor, and she got one with orange. they were so cute btw! and really nom. I felt a bit scene while eating it, I must admit, hahaha. but it was delicious! and the guy behind the counter was really kind and open, and asked us a lot of random stuff. it was pretty nice, it felt like he was in a good mood.
then I got home, slept some hours, took a shower, ate, and then had a smoke with Nanna, Camilla and Jonas. it was pretty nice, they're great people. :D then I packed some things and went home to my mother's place. watched some movie with Dina, Mette and Rikke. and then I've pretty much just been online all night, haha. :D
why did you feel scene, eating a cupcake? :@