I've also eaten pizzas 3 times this weekend. one time yesterday for dinner, a slice for breakfast and then later this evening, because my residence apparently had left over some slices. fucking yummy. I'm going to get so fat, I just know it. :'D
I'm listening to DJ Crackrat and later on I'll enjoy a few smokes, probably while watching a movie. tomorrow, I'm going to do it, the unpreventable thing; I'm going to dye my hair PINK! how awesome is that. I'm probably going to look like some scene kid, but wtf. when I'm girly, it's going to look rather rad, I think, because I wear really dolly, antique-ish things. tomorrow, I'm going to hang out with Emma and Laura and buy/dye my hair together with them, and later that evening, I'm heading over at Cecil's place. I'm so looking farward to both things, hahahaha. I can't wait to see her again, and I can't wait to get pink haaaaaiiiiiir... she's going to dye her hair baby blue when I'm there, because I have the hairdye. woo, can't wait! *hearts and flowers*
I miss Jamie already. :(
LOL, they're frigging awesome; your earplugs I mean. 8D
SvarSletyum pizza and ice cream. XD