søndag den 21. august 2011

never guessed it got this good.

it's been a while since I wrote (again, I'm becoming a slacker when it comes to blogging), but I feel like writing right now. I've written several entries I just haven't posted, because I've only written around half of what I wanted to get out. but this time, I'll post!
so as you can see on the picture, I've gotten my beloved tattoo, Sputnik 1. <3 I'm super stoked. it didn't hurt at all, but I could feel it more when he was near my elbow though. but not painful. I'm getting so hooked on tattoos, it's crazy. and having a boyfriend who also loves tattoos, it's sure damn hard to not get new ones, because we talk about it all the fucking time. he's thinking about buying a tattoo starters kit, so I'm thinking.. Ceciiiiil, get over here... and make something on me, yes? <3
but seriously, I'm stoked about this Sputnik.

I've started at my new school, K.U.B.A, and I fucking love every damn bit of it. my classmates are absolutely fucking amazing, and I enjoy the things we do in class. so far, we've written essays, poems, articles, and short stories. I really feel like I could evovle here. and the guys there...! fuck, they are so sweet and I can really imagine becoming good friends with a lot of them. I couldn't be more satisfied than I am! <3
been spending a lot of time after school at a bar called Floss, together with my classmates. it's extremely nice.. but one thing is bothering me... I haven't come out to them yet, about being transgender. but I'm not afraid anymore, really. I've told one of the girls about it, but I don't think she really understood. but it's okay, really. but I plan on doing it soon, and they all already call me Damien, which is super nice.

I've loved Audrey Kawasaki's painting in a year or more now, but these days, I feel so fucking inspired by her. which results in... tattoos. lol. I'm getting a backpiece of one of her paintings in the future. but it's all so damn inspiring, and I love them all.

I don't think I have much more to say right now, but I hope you all are enjoying yourselves. I certainly am! oh, and I'll try to get better at blogging. btw, I've made a new blog for my personal project at K.U.B.A - my poetry. the link is;
damiens-scribbles.blogspot.com. I could really use some opinions, so please leave a comment!

1 kommentar:

  1. yayz. <3 I am so glad that you love your new.. school or whatever I should call it. <3 it sounds super good for you! <3
    I miss you, darling. <3
