torsdag den 9. september 2010

I will go down as your lover, your friend.

yesterday was nice. since it was Emma's birthday, we ate this really, really lovely birthday cake, I think I can go nomz on it forever! it was amazing. I love the cream you put in a layercake (god, I hate that word for some reason), I can eat it without anything else. mhmm, so good. "looking good chicken!", lol.

I went to school today, after a week and a half's pause. at first, it was because I was coming down with a flu, and after that was because I was too fucked up in my head to go. and then I got sick again. luck's not really with me lately, huh?
when I arrived, I discovered that I was the only one in the class who had actually shown up. we're eight in total. that was pretty lame... so I had to sit there in an English lesson and talk about urban legends and Bloody Mary. it was fine, but I was just totally worn out already, since I had walk around a great piece of Frederiksberg C already, before I had my classes, because I needed a bus card, plus passport photos. but now I got it, woohoo! I just look like a retard, though.

my mom came over to help me tidy my room, so now there's a bit prettier than before. I just need the last of it to tidy. I told her about the whole weed thing, and she seemed okay with it. not furious or anything, but understanding. when my brother was my age, he was addicted to weed, and I have to be careful with it too, so I won't get addicted.
she had bought me these awesome things, too! Moomin painting, and colors. I'm pretty happy about it, I think it's so cute. I have so much Moomin crap, it's ridiculous....

1 kommentar:

  1. omg, your mom is so cute! ;A; <3
    I need those things too. XDD I want more of those... moomin folders (or something?). ;A;
    lool, sucks with the school! DX that was pretty fail!
    and you just reminded me that I had to take passport photos too.. D:
